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先于阿里腾讯 京东白条走入实体百货

Before Ali Tencent Jingdong ious into entity Department

2015-07-06 14:42:58来源: 亿邦动力网


7 month 6, and recently, Jingdong finance and Wangfujing Department Store foreign announced a strategic partnership: Wangfujing Department store will pay full access to Jingdong consumer finance and Jingdong line under the credit payment products, consumers in the Wangfujing Department store can fully enjoy the Jingdong casually brush "personal loan and installment convenience. Through this cooperation, Jingdong finance is faster than paypal and micro channel, online store for the first time to access the online banking financial credit payment system. It is understood billion state power network, after the two sides reached a cooperation, Wangfujing Department Store membership in the center of the membership through the identity authentication, after the successful activation, they can entering Wangfujing casually brush, IOUs channel, payment in the Wangfujing store to buy goods (virtual goods, gold and other special goods except), or installments. "Wangfujing casually brush, IOUS is Wangfujing launched a" buy first, after payment "exclusive membership of new method of payment. The use of "Wangfujing casually brush ious in the Wangfujing department store"...

标签: 腾讯 京东