新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《王者荣耀》体验服更新:王者快跑活动玩法上线,直售英雄全部可免费玩


"King's Glory" Experience Clothing Renewal: King's Running Activities play online, direct selling heroes can all play free of charge

2019-03-28 21:17:29来源: IT之家

昨日晚,《王者荣耀》游戏体验服进行了一次大版本更新,五五开黑节热身版本【万物有灵】正式上线。本次版本更新带来了海量更新内容,包括装备调整、英雄属性调整、皮肤调整、新玩法上线等。【更新内容】一、王者峡谷调整(一) 辅助装修改辅助装的被动效果修改为:唯一被动-奉献:所有出了辅助装的队友中如果自己经济最低,当身边有队友时,周围小兵和野怪死亡后你的队友会获得全额收益,你会获得不影响队友的30%金币和经验。(二) 暗影主宰/主宰先锋加强暗影主宰调整内容:暗影主宰基础生命值提升:19260→25680暗影主宰基础护甲与魔抗提升:183→400主宰先锋调整内容:...

Yesterday evening, the game experience clothing of King's Glory was updated in a major version, and the warm-up version of the May 5th Black Festival was officially launched. This revision brings a lot of updates, including equipment adjustments, hero attributes adjustments, skin adjustments, new play online and so on. (Update Content) 1. Wangzhe Canyon Adjustment (1) & nbsp; The passive effect of auxiliary decoration modification is changed to: the only passive-dedication: If all the teammates who have auxiliary equipment have the lowest economy, when there are teammates around, your teammates will get full benefits after the death of the small soldiers and wild monsters, you will get 30% gold coins and experience without affecting teammates. (2) & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & Shadow dominator / dominant pioneer strengthens shadow dominant adjustment content: shadow dominant basic health improvement: 19260 25680 shadow dominant basic armor and magic resistance improvement: 183 400 dominant pioneer adjustment content:...

标签: 王者荣耀