新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《空甲联盟》正式官网上线 特色全解析

《空甲联盟》正式官网上线 特色全解析

The empty a union of the official website of the official on-line features full resolution

2015-09-10 17:30:50来源: 新浪

导语:由Carbon Games研发,完美世界代理运营的多人竞技对战网游《空甲联盟(AirMech)》今日全新正式版官网惊艳亮相!相较于此前“概念站”,《空甲联盟》正式版官网带来了全新的新闻公告版块,玩家可以在此了解游戏的第一手信息。新手教程搭配丰富的线上活动可以帮助玩家从零开始变大神!...

lead: developed by the carbon games, perfect world agents operating competitive multiplayer war games "empty a union AirMech" today a new version of the official website of the stunning debut! Compared to previous "concept", "the air a league," the official version of the official website has brought a new version of the news bulletin board, players can understand the game's first hand information. The tutorials collocation extensive online activities can help game player from scratch into god! ...