新关注 > 信息聚合 > 至今仍有部分玩家无法正常登陆索尼PSN


There are still some game player can not be a normal landing Sony PSN

2014-12-31 11:13:58来源: 新浪

眼看2014年都要过去了,可是有的玩家很可能要在经历圣诞节无法玩游戏之后元旦继续悲剧,因为索尼的PSN服务至今还存在部分问题。同样遭受了黑客攻击,微软Xbox Live很快就恢复了正常,PSN却磨磨唧唧拖到现在…… 根据官方推特之一Ask PlayStation的反馈,虽然现在不少玩...

see 2014 is to be passed, but some game player is likely to be after new year's Day Christmas unable to play the game to tragedy, because Sony PSN service still is part of the problem. Similarly a hacking attack on Xbox Live, Microsoft soon returned to normal, until now had dilly dallying PSN...... According to the feedback of Ask PlayStation's official twitter, although now a lot of play...

标签: 索尼 PS 玩家