新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双十二网购警惕“疯牛”木马偷袭


Online shopping alert "mad cow" shuangshier Trojan attack

2014-12-12 17:12:01来源: 和讯网

每年双11、双12不仅是网购族在血拼,也是一些木马犯罪团伙最活跃的时节。江苏的姚先生因为前些天入市炒股,从网上搜索下载了一款股票行情分析软件,结果电脑感染了名为“疯牛”的网银木马,结果在双12网购期间倒了霉,银行卡被木马盗刷700多元。 家住江苏南通的姚先生是资深网购族,趁着双12大...

annual double 11, double 12 is not only the family of online shopping in the shopping, is also the most active Trojan gangs season. Jiangsu Mr. Yao because the other day the stock market, downloaded from the Internet search of a stock market analysis software, the computer infected called "mad cow" net silver-colored Trojan, results of mold fell during the double 12 online shopping, credit card was stolen brush 700 yuan of Trojan horse. Live in Jiangsu Nantong Mr Yao was a senior online shopping group, while the double 12...