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手机淘宝补贴20亿 将推内容开放计划

Phone Taobao a subsidy of 20 billion will push content plans to open

2015-09-14 14:52:37来源: 亿邦动力网

9月14日消息,手机淘宝今日宣布推出“内容开放计划”,手机淘宝内容平台上的优质内容创作者和机构在三年内可共享20亿市场佣金。据悉,按照“内容开放计划”,手机淘宝会将淘宝头条、有好货等内容平台向第三方内容创作者和机构开放,鼓励媒体、自媒体、各个领域的专业机构以及有特长有兴趣的资深消费者入驻,为消费者提供个性化内容。其中,淘宝头条、有好货、红人圈、爱逛街等六大内容版块为内容开放的主要载体。 “淘宝头条”是承载生活消费资讯的平台;“爱逛街”“红人圈”会通过在线直播和图文视频相结合等方式,对外传递潮人和网红的生活方式;“有好货”主打有品质的生活态度及内容;“微淘”也会进一步拓展为内容创作者与粉丝、社群...

9 month 14 news, mobile phone Taobao announced today launched the content open plan ", the mobile content platform Taobao quality content creators and institutions within three years can be Commission of 20 billion market share. It is reported that in accordance with the contents of the program, the phone Taobao Taobao headlines, a good cargo and other content platform to the third party content creators and institutions to open, to encourage the media, from the media, all areas of professional institutions and interested in a senior consumer settled, to provide consumers with personalized content. Among them, Taobao headlines, good goods, the red circle, love shopping and other six sections as the main carrier of open content. "Taobao's headlines is bearing life consuming information platform;" love shopping "" Reds circle "through live online and graphic video combining and external transfer the influx of people and reticulocyte lifestyle;" good goods "main quality of life attitude and content; micro Amoy" will further expand for content creators and fans, communities...