新关注 > 信息聚合 > 科技泡沫即将破裂,圈子里的人却还没醒过来?


The tech bubble about to pop, circles of people but you don't wake up?

2016-08-03 09:13:00来源: 投资界

毫无疑问的是,科技泡沫是无争议的事实。而且,这个泡沫即将破裂,但市场却没有任何醒悟的征兆,实际呢?投资机构还在享受的只是人工催化的高潮而已,这就像是 “皇帝的新装” 一样。

There is no doubt that the tech bubble is undisputed fact. Moreover, this bubble will burst, but the market without any signs of the awakening, the actual? Investment institutions also enjoying just the climax of artificial catalysis, it is like "the emperor's new clothes".