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《智龙迷城X》正式公开 更多游戏详情待公开

The long lost city x "officially open games for more details to be open

2015-11-17 17:41:09来源: 电玩巴士

尽管此前已有杂志速报提前透露了情报,不过日前本周的先出杂志图正式公开了《智龙迷城》系列的3DS新作《智龙迷城X(クロス)》。从目前的先出杂志图来看,本作冒险的舞台是“ドラゴーザ岛”,游戏中将有超过500种怪物登场,全新的怪物们也将陆续集结,此外本作将会让玩家们体验全新的战斗。 目前尚...

despite previous magazine quick report has revealed early intelligence, but recently this week's first out magazine officially open the" dragon Fan Zhi City "series for the Nintendo 3DS the long lost city x (kuru as,". From the first magazine, the risk of stage is "I-mode Kara," island ", the game will have more than 500 species of monster debut, new monsters will also continue to build. In addition, this will allow players to experience a new battle. Currently still...

标签: 游戏