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十万个冷笑话手游幻师怎么样 幻师解析

How about the one hundred thousand cold joke Mobile Games illusionist magic division of analytical

2015-01-03 16:50:40来源: 4399

在十万个冷笑话手游中初始有三个职业可以选择,分别是幻师、拳师和灵剑。很多玩家不知道该选择哪个职业。下面4399小编给大家分析下幻师这个职业,希望能够给玩家们一点帮助! 主动技能 1)苍龙月影:对敌方单体造成法术伤害 2)砚灵映虚:对敌方全体造成法术伤害,技能冷却时间3回合 被动技...

initial in one hundred thousand cold jokes Mobile Games three occupation can be selected, respectively is the magic division, boxer and the sword of the spirit. Many game player don't know what to choose which occupation. Under the analysis of all magic division this occupation for the following 4399 small make up, hope to be able to have a little help game player! Active skills 1): Dragon Shadow spell damage caused by 2 of the enemy monomer) Yan Ling Ying deficiency caused by: all spell damage on the enemy, skills cooling time is the 3 leg of the passive...

标签: 手游