新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏情怀终不敌剧情太烂《像素大战》获金酸莓奖..


Game feelings eventually lost the plot was too bad pixels wars got razzies..

2016-01-14 18:16:51来源: 任玩堂

去年有一部电影从宣传到上映都颇受游戏玩家的关注,那就是集合了不少经典像素游戏的科幻喜剧电影《像素大战》。可惜,上映之后,因为对手是《蚁人》、《小黄人》这些热门电影,票房很快下滑。而金酸莓奖最近还宣布该片获得五项提名,可谓票房口碑双输啊。 电影被“金酸莓奖”提名的五项内容包括:最差电影、...

Last year there were a movie from the propaganda to release all the attention of popular game players, game that brings together many classic pixels pixel wars science fiction comedy film. Unfortunately, after the release, because the opponent is the "ant people", "yellow people" these popular movies, decline in box office soon. The razzies also recently announced that the film has received five nominations, a lose-lose box office here. Film was "razzies" five nominations include: the worst movies,...

标签: 游戏