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剑指京东 品胜借优步模式再做两手准备

Sword Jingdong PISEN by excellent step mode to do hands ready

2015-08-24 13:29:06来源: 亿邦动力网


8 month 24. Recently, 3C digital brand wins claims, the National more than 3600 offline stores will be fully upgraded PISEN digital life convenience stores. At the same time, founder Zhao Guocheng said, PISEN soon will launch two projects, the goal is Jingdong benchmarking. According billion state power network to understand, the two project is a "thousand group", a "digital 3Capp". Zhao Guocheng said, "thousands of machine group is set PISEN's mobile phones, tablet, television, digital peripherals such as products of a large o2o platform, use up to service the system can achieve the fastest 2 hours served. In addition, PISEN also with film, housing and other services and products. "The same a cell phone, PISEN prices will is China's most expensive, and we will Jingdong benchmarking, Jingdong sell how much money we sell how much money, but we have to be faster than the East, and be more quickly in the three or four line of the city. At present, we can achieve 2 hours in Akesu, Xinjiang." ...

标签: 京东