新关注 > 信息聚合 > 百万英雄官方题库悟空问答 分不到钱算我输

百万英雄官方题库悟空问答 分不到钱算我输

Millions of hero official question bank wukong q&a points is the I lose money

2018-01-12 00:00:00来源: 人民网

从王思聪力推的“冲顶大会”,到张一鸣迅速跟进的“百万英雄”,开年这波层出不穷、疯狂撒币的在线答题游戏热,可谓制造了一场全民狂欢的年度薅羊毛大赛。 在这波“知识变现”的热潮下,各种答题神器随之诞生,各家的程序员们也加班加点地与之展开斗智斗勇。据说搜狗出品的汪仔搜索神器,上线没两天就在“百万英雄”的反作弊系统下凉了。可见最靠谱的参赛方式,还是拥有一款靠谱题库,疯狂刷题涨姿势。 像“百万英雄”最近就指定了和他同出一家的问答产品——悟空问答APP作为全网唯一一家官方题库,在悟空问答特设“百万英雄”频道,每日整理上传真题,配以学霸级的悟空网友解析。要知道这些题库中的知识点都是会循环出现的,好好...

From "assembly" summit, sicong push to yi-ming zhang quickly follow up "millions of heroes", in this wave of emerge in endlessly, crazy money online game hot, has created a universal carnival year while wool series. Realized in this wave of "knowledge" that all sorts of questions artifact comes, each of the programmers are working overtime to wrestle. Sogou is said to have produced Wang Zai search artifact, online without two days under the "million hero" anti cheat system cold. The most visible way of entry, or have a solid question bank, crazy brush up position. Like "million hero" has recently appointed with him a q&a products - wukong q&a APP as tech-oriented only an official question bank, in the wu is empty question and answer AD hoc "million hero" channels, organize daily upload bo, with students with excellent performance level of the wu is empty net friend parsing. To know the knowledge of these question bank is recurring, well...