新关注 > 信息聚合 > 能挖矿还是保安全?区块链手机靠谱吗?


To dig or safe? Chain block cell phone on?

2018-03-30 11:32:00来源: 品途网

随着区块链技术的走红,近期,某些厂商(包括手机和非手机厂商)先后发布了声称采用区块链技术的所谓区块链手机,并在业内引起了激烈的争论。那么区块链手机到底是一种真实的存在,还是厂商们为了商业目的宣传的噱头?在此,我们可以先看看目前通过媒体报道可知的几家推出区块链手机的厂商(至少声称采用了与区块链相关的技术)的背景。国外厂商包括印度的VVDN、以色列的Sirin Labs和芬兰的Zipper Global;国内厂商包括糖果、长虹和联想。它们的共性是在目前的智能手机产业和市场中均已被边缘化,甚至有的根本就不是手机厂商。由此不难看出,这些企业推出区块链手机的首要的目的就是希望借此改变自身在智能手机产业中...

With the popularity of block chain technology, recently, some manufacturers (including mobile phone and mobile phone manufacturer) has released the claimed that using mobile phone chain technology called the block chain, and caused a heated debate in the industry. Then block chain mobile phone it is a real existence, or manufacturers for commercial purpose publicity stunt? Here, we can first take a look at the current through media launched several blocks unknown chain of mobile phone manufacturers (at least) claimed that the block chain related technology background. Foreign manufacturers including India VVDN, Israel's Sirin Zipper in Labs and Finland Global; Domestic manufacturers, including candy, changhong and lenovo. They are common in today's smart phones have been marginalized in the industry and the market, even some is not mobile phone manufacturer. Thus it is easy to see that the purpose of these enterprises launch block chain phone first is hoping to change their own in the smartphone industry...

标签: 区块链 区块链