新关注 > 信息聚合 > 博鳌论坛上,AI同传首次代替人类上岗!专访它们的缔造者——腾讯翻译团队


At the Boao Forum, AI is replacing human beings for the first time. Interview with their founder: Tencent Translation Team

2018-04-08 17:52:00来源: 品途网

在2018年的博鳌亚洲论坛上,各国政要和商界人士抒发观点的时候,现场的双语字幕翻译,以及每个人手机上同步译字幕、听语音的功能引起了场内嘉宾的注意。与以往不同,一部手机就可以完全代替会场上的同传翻译机了。 这是由腾讯翻译君与微信智聆共同推出的“腾讯同传”服务。腾讯同传作为2018年博鳌亚洲论坛官方指定的独家人工智能(AI)同声传译合作伙伴,开创了博鳌亚洲论坛使用非人类同传翻译的先河。 区别于以往的单主讲人会议,此次也是AI同传类产品首次公开支持讨论型会议。现场,AI同传服务会覆盖到会议现场投屏、小程序查看、语音收听、会议纪要回放等多个渠道。 上述这些挑战无疑对背后的翻译技术支持方——腾讯翻...

At the Boao Forum for Asia in 2018, when politicians and businessmen from all countries expressed their views, the bilingual subtitle translation on the spot and the function of simultaneous subtitle translation and voice listening on everyone's mobile phone attracted the attention of the guests. Unlike in the past, a mobile phone can completely replace the simultaneous interpreter in the venue. This is the "Tencent Simultaneous Biography" service jointly launched by Tencent Translator Jun and Weixin Zhili. Tencent Simultaneous Interpretation, as the only artificial intelligence (AI) simultaneous interpretation partner officially designated by the Boao Forum for Asia in 2018, pioneered the use of non-human simultaneous interpretation in the Boao Forum for Asia. Unlike previous single-speaker conferences, this is also the first time that AI products of the same kind publicly support discussion-oriented meetings. On-site, AI simultaneous transmission service will cover many channels, such as on-site screen projection, small program viewing, voice listening, conference minutes playback and so on. These challenges are undoubtedly the backbone of the translation technology support side - Tencent Fan.

标签: 腾讯 AI