新关注 > 信息聚合 > Bilibili电竞签约守望先锋新锐女解说“小霜”


Bilibili Electric Competition signed a contract to keep watch on the vanguard of cutting-edge women to explain "Xiao Frost"

2019-02-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日, 哔哩哔哩电竞公司与国内新锐电竞解说李咏霜(昵称:小霜)完成签约,她将作为守望先锋领域的专职解说加入哔哩哔哩电竞公司艺人经纪业务板块。 小霜原名李咏霜,毕业于浙江传媒学院英汉双语播音主持专业的她,拥有多年的电台直播与主持经历,参与了游戏类电台节目《gamefirst》,反响良好。2019年2月又以主持人的身份参与了公司旗下守望先锋战队品牌Hangzhou Spark杭州闪电队在杭州的多场线下观赛活动,活动中很好地把控现场节奏,受到粉丝们的赞誉。作为一名新人,其展现出的潜力可见一斑。 小霜担任Hangzhou Spark 杭州闪电队线下观赛活动主持 小霜加入后,哔哩哔哩电竞...

Recently, the company has signed a contract with Li Yongshuang (nickname: Xiaoshuang) of China's new cutting edge TV Competition Interpretation Company. She will join the entertainer brokerage business section of the company as a full-time commentator in the field of guarding pioneer. Xiao Shuang, formerly known as Li Yongshuang, graduated from the English-Chinese Bilingual Broadcasting and hosting major of Zhejiang Media College. She has many years of experience in radio live broadcasting and hosting, and participated in the game radio program Gamefirst, which has a good response. In February 2019, as a host, Hangzhou Spark, the company's brand of guarding vanguard team, participated in many off-line activities in Hangzhou. During the activities, Hangzhou Lightning Team controlled the rhythm of the scene well and was praised by fans. As a newcomer, its potential is evident. Xiao Shuang was the host of Hangzhou Spark Hangzhou Lightning Team's off-line watching competition. After Xiao Shuang joined in, Dali Dali Electric Competition was held.

标签: 电竞 守望先锋