新关注 > 信息聚合 > 这些游戏有内涵 十大需要玩家深刻体会的游戏盘点

这些游戏有内涵 十大需要玩家深刻体会的游戏盘点

These games have connotation ten need to deeply understand the game inventory

2016-11-15 13:30:32来源: 新浪

总是有一些游戏,表面看起来三观不正,血腥恶搞,主人公玩世不恭,但是仔细游玩后会发现并不是这么简单,在三观不正表面的背后藏着一颗三观奇正的心。这种方式其实是为了让玩家体会到更深层的含义,对游戏的三观有更深刻的理解。 这是我的战争——战争对人性的拷问 《这是我的战争》是一款横版沙盒游戏...

There is always some games, the surface looks through is not straight, bloody joke, the protagonist cynicism, but after careful play will find that is not so simple, in through the surface of not hiding behind a heart through the leader. This way is to let players experience a deeper meaning, through have a more profound understanding of the game. This is my war, torture of human nature of "this is my war" is a horizontal version of the sandbox game...

标签: 玩家 游戏