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看一代宗师 不如来仙途2亲自当一当

To see a master as to by 2 personally when a

2015-01-08 15:47:50来源: 新浪

仙途2 CGWR 得分 CGWR:486 位 CGWR介绍 宗师,是对一个人的极高尊崇,各行各业都有。比如王家卫就被称为电影界的文青宗师。可他却拍了一部霸气十足讲武术宗师的电影,3D版《一代宗师》。极其博人眼球。 看武术宗师比武过招自然过瘾,但不如来《仙途2》里面亲自过一把宗...

by 2 when the CGWR score of CGWR:486 bit CGWR introduced master, is a high respect for a person, all walks of life. For example, Wong Kar Wai was known as the movie Wen Qing master. But he made a domineering about martial arts master film, 3D version of "master". Most Bo people eyeball. See a martial arts master contest against natural fun, but not to "by 2" inside himself up a case...