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《捕鱼达人4》欢乐亮相Chinajoy 挑战极限

"Fishing up to 4" happy debut Chinajoy challenge limit

2015-07-31 20:22:58来源: 4399

这个夏天,3D对战休闲手游《捕鱼达人4》欢乐亮相Chinajoy ,捕鱼达人系列迈向巅峰的新作品再次启航,别光看,上来一起HIGH吧!据可靠消息称,《捕鱼达人4》在结束Chinajoy展览后将会马上开放下载哟。 《捕鱼达人4》延续了捕鱼达人系列一贯的深海狩猎题材,从游戏画质到玩法细节都...

this summer, 3D on the war leisure hand travel, fishing people 4 "happy debut Chinajoy, fishing up series of new works towards the peak again set sail, don't light, come up with HIGH! According to reliable sources, fishing up to 4 in the end of the Chinajoy exhibition will be open to download yo. "Fishing up to 4" continues a series of fishing people's consistent deep-sea hunting theme, from the game quality to play details are...

标签: ChinaJoy