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The weak life is tenacious! "Asylum" the latest game released 2 demo

2015-02-02 22:51:23来源: 逗游网

开发商Might and Delight公布他们第一款以猞猁(山猫)为主要游戏玩法的《避难2(Shelter 2)》,并公布了一段游戏演示视频。 这个视频让我们看到了游戏狩猎模式一个总体的概览,我们还有机会听到猞猁宝宝的啼哭声。 根据以往公布的资料,本作主要讲述了一只怀孕的猞猁为...

developer Might and Delight published their first to lynx (Lynx) as the main gameplay "Asylum 2 (Shelter 2)", and released a demo video. This video to let us see the game hunting mode a general overview, we still have the opportunity to hear the baby crying lynx. According to previously published data, the main tells the story of a pregnant lynx...

标签: 游戏