新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄杀高校挑战赛广州站落幕 中华猛将问鼎羊城

英雄杀高校挑战赛广州站落幕 中华猛将问鼎羊城

Hero kill the challenge guangzhou station The leading bid for Yang cheng

2015-11-25 11:54:04来源: 4399

4399手机游戏网讯。11月24日,《英雄杀》高校挑战赛广州站于广州大学校园落下帷幕。本次比赛共吸引了来自广州本土的32支代表队参与比赛。经过5轮激烈的角逐,中华猛将队力压群雄,最终问鼎本届大赛冠军。在庆祝中华猛将队取得佳绩的同时,也一起跟随4399手机游戏网回顾一下本届盛会吧。 11...

Mobile game network - 4399. On November 24, the hero kill the challenge guangzhou station guangzhou university campus. The match attracted a total from guangzhou native of 32 teams to participate in the game. After five rounds of fierce competition, the Chinese man outplayed other leading team, finally won the champion. In celebration of the Chinese leading team success at the same time, also together with 4399 mobile game network review of this event. 11...