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即时战术手游 《奥丁之怒》人物原画先睹为快!

Real time tactics Mobile Games "Odin" characters original wrath be all eagerness to see it!

2015-01-28 14:28:02来源: 4399

日前,这款名为《奥丁之怒》的即时战术手游曝光了游戏的亮点与新玩法,受到不少业内人士的关注。今天,该游戏再度公布了游戏的部分人物原画,让大家先睹为快! 工作经验。那么,今天请与小编一同抢先欣赏《奥丁之怒》的人物原画,目睹其视觉盛宴! 《奥丁之怒》是一款以北欧神话为大背景的即时战术类手游...

recently, called "Odin" Wrath of immediate tactical Mobile Games exposure of the game and new gameplay, received a lot of attention in the industry. Today, the game has published the original part of the game characters, let everybody be all eagerness to see it! Work experience. So, today, please beat appreciation "and small make up together the wrath of Odin" figure drawing, see the visual feast! "Odin fury" is a Nordic mythology as the background of the real time tactics class Mobile Games...

标签: 手游