新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聚焦玩家开启新零售之路 手机店华丽升级电竞馆

聚焦玩家开启新零售之路 手机店华丽升级电竞馆

Focusing on the player open new retail mobile phone shop upgrade e-sports pavilion

2017-11-14 00:00:00来源: 人民网

基于积极探索与创新路径下,荣耀以潮玩体验门店为依托,开启电竞社交模式,为消费者提供全新用户体验,携手合作伙伴共赢未来。 全民社交时代,传统零售正在向新零售转型。新零售潮流下,用户体验、战略合作至关重要。基于积极探索与创新路径下,荣耀以潮玩体验门店为依托,开启电竞社交模式,为消费者提供全新用户体验,携手合作伙伴共赢未来。 荣耀潮玩店——开启线下社交新时代 2017年10月21日,首批荣耀“潮玩店”在苏州、石家庄相继开业,正式开启线下社交新时代,为小伙伴们带来了新的潮流体验。在开业期间,“潮玩店”内人头涌动,小伙伴们聚在一起、三三两两“开黑”作战,美女Cosplay吸引着众人的目光。基...

Based on the active exploration and innovation path, glory, which is based on tide play experience stores, open e-sports social patterns, provide consumers with a new user experience, partners win-win future hand in hand. Universal social era, the traditional retail is to meet the new transformation. Under the new retail trends, user experience, strategic cooperation is very important. Based on the active exploration and innovation path, glory, which is based on tide play experience stores, open e-sports social patterns, provide consumers with a new user experience, partners win-win future hand in hand. Glory tide play store - open offline social new age on October 21, 2017, the first batch of glory "play store" in suzhou, shijiazhuang, formal open offline social new era, bring friends to experience a new trend. During the opening, "play store" in the man's head, friends get together, the 3322 "black" operations, beauty Cosplay to attract attention. The base...

标签: 玩家 电竞