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意外闯进侏罗纪世界 RPG《野生之地:杜兰戈》下..

Accidentally broke into the Jurassic world RPG "wild lands: Durango" under the..

2015-11-12 10:12:49来源: 任玩堂

此前任玩堂曾报道过,韩国著名游戏商 Nexon 正在制作一款带有生存冒险玩法的 MMORPG 游戏 Durango《野生之地:杜兰戈》。这款游戏从去年开始进行制作,直到现在已经快有两年的时间了,如今官方表示游戏将会在下周登场,并公布了一段新的宣传视频,一起来看看吧。 本作的世界观设定在...

after play hall reported, the famous Korean game maker Nexon is making a survival adventure play the MMORPG games Durango Durango of "wild". The game from the beginning of last year to make, until now has been almost two years, and now the official said the game will be in the next week, and announced a new promotional video, a look at it. The world view of the world...