新关注 > 信息聚合 > Twitch公布16年收视榜:英雄联盟依旧王者


Twitch published 16 years viewing list: hero alliance is still king

2017-02-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据外媒报道,近日国外知名直播平台Twitch公开了2016年度电竞赛事收视榜单。其中,《英雄联盟》无疑成为了众多游戏之中的王者,全年累计观众突破10亿。MOBA类游戏成为观众们最喜爱的游戏类型,《英雄联盟》、《反恐精英:全球攻势》和《DOTA2》成为三大电竞观看项目。 Twitch公布16年收视榜:英雄联盟依旧王者(图片来自于Twitch) 除了《英雄联盟》、《反恐精英:全球攻势》和《DOTA2》这三大电竞项目之外,动视暴雪公司出品的《守望先锋》、《炉石传说》和《魔兽世界》也是观众们的最爱。值得一提的是,《英雄联盟》全年累计用户达到10亿,几乎是排名第二的《反恐精英:全球攻势》2倍。...

According to foreign media reports, recently abroad live platform Twitch released 2016 annual tournament ratings list. Among them, the "hero alliance" has become the many to be the king of the game, annual cumulative audience reached 1 billion. MOBA games become the audience favorite game type, "hero", "the counter-strike: global offensive" and "DOTA2" e-sports watch become three big projects. Twitch published 16 years viewing list: hero alliance is still king (image from the Twitch) in addition to the "hero alliance", "the counter-strike: global offensive" and "DOTA2" e-sports project, the three activision blizzard company produced the "watchman pioneer", "hearth legend" and the world of warcraft is the audience favorite. It is worth mentioning that "hero alliance" the year accumulative total 1 billion users, is almost a second twice the counter-strike: global offensive. ...

标签: 英雄联盟 Twitch