新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不能手游先来?《艾森霍恩:异形审判官》PC先行


Not good swim come first? "Eisie horne: abnormity judges" PC first

2016-04-07 11:21:12来源: 17173

曾多次曝光过的战锤动作新游《艾森霍恩:异形审判官》(Eisenhorn:XENOS),近日放出了最新消息,有好有坏!先来说说好消息吧,日前游戏开发商Pixel Hero Games表示游戏研发工作正有序进行,预计将在5月19日率先推出PC版本;而坏消息是,大家所期待的手游版本还需耐心等待...

Has repeatedly exposed a hammer movement XinYou "eisie horne: abnormity judge" (Eisenhorn: XENOS), recently released the latest news, there are good and bad! Good news for first, game developers Pixel Hero Games said before the game research and development work is orderly, launched on May 19, is expected to take the lead in the PC version; The bad news is that everyone expected mobile game version still need to wait...

标签: 手游 PC