新关注 > 信息聚合 > 育碧注册新商标,暗示《看门狗3》登陆次世代有戏


Yubi registered a new trademark, suggesting that "Watchdog 3" will be landed in the next generation.

2019-02-12 10:32:58来源: 游戏时光

去年4月左右,NerdMag 曾与《看门狗2》伴侣 App 中的 AI 聊天得到了一段有关《看门狗3》正在开发的消息。“会有《看门狗3》吗?”“《看门狗3》还没完成,但从我试玩过的最新早期版本来看,做得很扎实。开发团队正在打造佳作!迫不及待想让你们玩了!”或许这并不可靠,不过最近却有了更靠谱的石锤。Youtube 播主 Skullzi TV 发现育碧于去年11月申请了“WATCH DOG”的商标注册,而且是一个全新的申请,大型游戏厂商通常会在计划为次世代主机开发 3A 级项目时才会这么做,这似乎暗示了《看门狗3》将会登陆次世代主机。商标申请通常是一个可靠的信号,表明某些工作正在进行中...

Last April or so, Nerd Mag & nbsp, who chatted with AI in App, the companion of Watchdog 2, got a piece of news about the development of Watchdog 3. "Will there be Watchdog 3?" "Watchdog 3 hasn't been finished yet, but from the latest early versions I've tried, it's done very well. The development team is making great works! I can't wait for you to play!" Maybe it's not reliable, but recently there's a more reliable stone hammer. YouTube broadcaster Skullzi TV found that Ubisoft applied for WATCH DOG's trademark registration in November last year, and that it was a brand new application. Major game makers usually do this when they plan to develop 3A-level projects for next-generation hosts, which seems to imply that Watchdog 3 will be launched on next-generation hosts. Trademark applications are usually a reliable signal that some work is in progress.