新关注 > 信息聚合 > 策略游戏《战锤:奥术魔法》7月28日上线


Strategy game Warhammer: arcane magic "on July 28, on-line

2015-07-24 11:34:47来源: 和讯网

第1页策略游戏《战锤:奥术魔法》7月28日上线 游戏开发商 Turbo Tape Games将在7月28日正式上线战锤系列最新作《战锤:奥术魔法》(Warhammer:Arcane Magic)。它是一款由战锤系列改编的回合制策略游戏,玩家可以好好享受了。 游戏是发生在旧世界的森...

on page 1 strategy game Warhammer: arcane magic" on July 28, on-line game developers turbo tape games will in July formally launched on the 28th Warhammer latest series of Warhammer: arcane magic "(Warhammer: arcane magic). It is an adaptation of the Warhammer series of turn based strategy game, game player can enjoy. The game is happening in the old world...

标签: 游戏