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漫改手游 《约战:精灵再临》iOS9月17日上架

Diffuse change mobile game "about wars: of the elves iOS9 on shelves

2018-09-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由角川正版授权,大凉山制作组制作的《约战 精灵再临》是一款横向动作手机游戏,本作改编自《约会大作战DATE A LIVE》,故事描写拥有强大力量而被人类视为排除对象的精灵少女与普通却蕴含有不可思议能力的少年相遇的故事。制作团队指出,本作除了动作要素之外,亦收录了 Galgame 的文字恋爱冒险元素以及各类模拟养成等社交休闲玩法。 制作团队表示,《约战 精灵再临》高度还原了原作中的世界观,除了能体验到横向战斗的乐趣之外,亦能游玩游戏中独特的约会玩法及精灵约会。而游戏中收录超过 200 种的剧情结局,让玩家可以充分享受惊喜。 本作中独创天使与卡巴拉...

From the Angle of sichuan and the original authorization, daliang mountains produced by the production team about war elves return is A transverse action mobile game, this is adapted from "DATE" dating "against A LIVE, stories about human as exclusions has A strong strength and the elf maiden with ordinary yet contains the incredible ability of young met story. Production team, points out that besides action elements, this book also includes Galgame words love adventure elements as well as all kinds of simulation to develop social leisure play. Of the production team said, "about wars elf" height reduction of the original worldview, besides can experience to the joys of lateral fight, also can play the game unique dating dating game and elves. The games included more than 200 kinds of plot endings, let players can fully enjoy the surprise. & have spent & have spent This unique angel and kabbalah...

标签: 手游 iOS