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信息量爆表 《剑网3》九周年发布会热点回顾

Amount of extraordinary sword net 3 JiuZhou years hot review conference

2018-08-29 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8月28日,《剑网3》九周年发布会在北京水立方落幕。诸多大咖线下齐聚,海量信息现场爆料。西山居CEO、《剑网3》系列制作人郭炜炜为侠士揭晓年度资料片“世外蓬莱”的神秘面纱。100级全新东海群岛与渤海国龙泉府再度扩展版图边界,九天苍天君、侠客岛主、蓬莱门主方乾携新门派蓬莱惊艳亮相。技术型微端,更快更小,深度优化,现已更新。画质升级,年内上线!更有日月循环全局光照系统、布料系统2.0以及重现长安古都等诸多内容即将呈现。就让我们一同回顾《剑网3》九周年的精彩内容吧。 霍尊空降发布会 蓬莱主题曲即将上架 《剑网3》全新资料片“世外蓬莱”即将来袭。歌手霍尊身着蓬莱国风礼服出席水立方,一同见证了...

On August 28, "sword net 3" JiuZhou annual conference in Beijing water cube. The big coffee offline gathered, huge amounts of information revealed at the scene. Xishan the CEO, "sword net 3" series producer announced kris to outlaw hero's annual "world of penglai" the mystery of the expansion. Level 100 islands in the east China sea and the bohai new longquan office again expanding boundary, nine days island Lord of heaven jun and chivalrous man, new factions penglai penglai door main Fang Gan with stunning appearance. Technical side, faster and more small, deep optimization, has been updated. Quality upgrading, years online! Third part of the cycle is more global illumination system, fabric 2.0 and chang an ancient capital, and many other content is presented. Let us review the sword net 3 JiuZhou in contents. Mr Airborne conference Penglai theme song is "sword net 3" new "world penglai" is about to hit the expansion. Singer Mr In penglai huai attend the water cube, witness...