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《流放之路》3.0版本宣传片曝光 国服月底报时

"The road to exile, version 3.0 AD exposure The clothes at the end of time

2017-07-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由腾讯代理的暗黑类ARPG大作《流放之路》外服日前结束了3.0版本为期五周的测试,GGG公布公测时间的同时,也放出了3.0版本的宣传视频。据国服运营团队透露,《流放之路》国服包括3.0BETA及正式上线时间也将于CJ期间进行公布。国服本次公测的版本将选用与国际服相接轨的大型资料片“夺神之权”,3.0版本也是《流放之路》自诞生以来的最大规模更新。 就目前曝光的视频来看,除了寒冰箭、裂空波等经典BD以及一些经典的怪物及BOSS出场之外。无论是游戏的UI界面、场景贴图、怪物贴图等各个方面都得到了全面的提升,可以说从“高清”版本提高到了“1080P”原画质量。 除了画质的提升之外,备...

By tencent agent diablo class ARPG masterpiece "the road to exile, SFSC over version 3.0 for a period of five weeks before testing, GGG publish public beta time at the same time, also released version 3.0 of the promotional video. According to the clothes operations team, "the road to exile, the clothes including 3.0 BETA and the official launch time also will be published during the period from CJ. The clothes of the open beta version will choose and international clothing market expansion rights "of" take away god, version 3.0 is also "the road to exile, the largest update since birth. In the context of the current exposure of video, in addition to frostbolt and split air wave classic BD as well as some classic monster and BOSS play outside. Whether game UI interface, map, monster texture comprehensive improved its all aspects such as, say from "hd" version to "1080 p" original painting quality. In addition to improve image quality, for...