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Blizzard games events this week: world of warcraft team copy preview

2017-06-02 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《炉石传说》乱斗模式——“异乎寻常的法力风暴”现已开放 法力风暴汹涌而至……异乎寻常的能量甚至影响到你的套牌!选择一个职业,获得随机套牌。但是每个回合,你的卡牌法力值消耗都是随机的! 由网易和暴雪举办的《炉石传说》狂野大师赛将于6月1日-4日 进行,32位选手将在狂野模式下展开精彩的交锋,并角逐前往美国参加Hearthstone Wild Open的两个名额。我们将于6月1日-6月4日每天18:00带来狂野大师赛的精彩直播,欢迎广大玩家届时通过各大直播平台暴雪游戏频道观看精彩比赛! 2017《炉石传说》高校星联赛春季赛总决赛已于昨晚结束,保定学院战胜哈尔滨工业大学获得季军。而重庆邮...

The BFS legend scuffle model - "unusually mana storm" is open mana storm surge to...... Unusual energy and even affect your deck! Choose a career, random set of CARDS. But each round, you card mana cost is random! Organized by netease and blizzard "hearth legend" Wild masters will be on June 1-4, 32 players will be a wonderful clash in Wild mode, and for travel to the United States for Hearthstone Wild Open two slots. We will be on June 1 - June 4 PM every day brings the wild masters wonderful live, welcome the masses of the player at the appointed time through the live platform blizzard games channel to watch the games! 2017 spring "hearth legend" the star league match finals has ended last night, baoding institute over Harbin industrial university won the bronze. The chongqing post...