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《荒野大镖客 救赎2》中暗藏初代《僵尸梦魇》的彩蛋

"Wilderness dead redemption 2" hidden in the early generation of the zombie nightmare "eggs

2018-11-28 13:52:32来源: 游戏时光

内含剧透,未完成第六章的玩家请谨慎阅读最近在 reddit 论坛有玩家在《荒野大镖客 救赎2》中发现了《荒野大镖客 亡灵梦魇》的彩蛋。当玩家完成第六章后,可以操纵约翰·马斯顿进入初代的地图范围。在与新奥斯汀地区接壤的高树地带(Tall Trees),下图红点标注位置的附近有一口枯井。玩家跳进枯井后会发现马斯顿的脸在黑暗中逐渐僵尸化,就和《荒野大镖客 亡灵梦魇》的封面一样。 也有玩家用亚瑟·摩根进行了试验,但结果并没有马斯顿那么明显。有些玩家们认为这就是Rockstar埋藏在本作中的一个彩蛋,但也有些玩家认为这是《荒野大镖客 亡灵梦魇2》的一个暗示。不过即使本作要出僵尸DLC,那也是后话了。随着...

Containing said plot, unfinished chapter 6 players please carefully read the recent reddit BBS have players in the "wilderness dead redemption 2" found the dead wilderness Undead nightmare "Easter eggs. When a player after completion, the sixth chapter can manipulate John marston into the original map. In a choleric zone bordering the new Austin area (Tall Trees), below the red dots position near the abandoned well. Players to jump into a well will find after marston's face in the dark zombification gradually, and the dead wilderness Cover the undead nightmare ". Also have players use Arthur Morgan was tested, but the result is not as obvious marston. Some players think that is in a Rockstar buried in the eggs, but also some players think that this is the dead wilderness Undead nightmare 2, a hint. But even if this is going to the zombie DLC, that's another story. As the...