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太子妃夫妇片场动手 《东方不败》微电影正式公布

Crown princess couple set to officially announced "the east is" micro movie

2016-04-05 12:39:40来源: 不凡游戏网


LAN ambition crown princess, flurry jianghu surprised YunLei! Jin yong's legal authorization, known as archosaurs annual epic entertainment, the first 3 d panoramic wuxia mobile game on April 8, the east don't hurt the whole platform don't delete file test will go through! Today, the flora, put an "crown princess couple" Aaron in micro first theme movie formally announced! This heavily invested, well-made film will take you through one thousand, the manipulated with going into jin yong's works, fold the residual blood red of love, hate...

标签: 电影