新关注 > 信息聚合 > “云端引擎”发布,阿里云携手Vise3D 助力游戏产..

“云端引擎”发布,阿里云携手Vise3D 助力游戏产..

"Cloud" engine, ali cloud Vise3D power game production together..

2016-08-01 10:34:10来源: TechWeb

2016年7月28日-31日,一年一度的游戏行业盛会Chinajoy在上海新国际博览中心如火如荼地展开。阿里云、YunOS、优酷游戏和阿里游戏联合发起的首届阿里巴巴集团游戏生态晚会,成为本次游戏行业盛会的一大亮点,吸引了上千名游戏行业人士关注,并有近百家游戏媒体现场报道。 游戏行业是互...

On July 28, 2016-31, the game industry annual event Chinajoy in Shanghai new international expo center in full swing. Ali cloud, YunOS, youku game and ali jointly sponsored the first alibaba group game ecological party became a focal point in the game industry event, attracts thousands of game industry, and has the nearly hundred games at the scene of the media reports. The game industry is each other...

标签: 游戏 阿里云