新关注 > 信息聚合 > 征途系列全民15星套 人人都是宋仲基

征途系列全民15星套 人人都是宋仲基

Journey series universal 15 stars Everyone is a song joong ki

2016-03-16 14:32:12来源: 新浪

宋仲基火了,天天满眼都是老公宋仲基的刷屏! 征途系列也火了,天天被朋友安利3月18日新区人人送全套15星! 作为国战网游鼻祖,征途系列如此大手笔,让每位3.18新区玩家都穿上全套15星,满满的战斗力简直人人都是宋仲基!国战网游,目前仍是中国端游市场的主流,在战场上,拼的是兄弟,拼...

Song joong ki, eyeful is the husband song joong ki refresh every day! Journey series also fire, amway district on March 18, everyone be friend every day to send a full set of 15 stars! As frequents online games, the ancestors of journey series is so big, let every 3.18 new players put on a full range of 15 stars, full of combat effectiveness is everyone's song joong ki! Frequents online games, at present is still the mainstream of the Chinese side game market, on the battlefield, to spell are brothers, spell...