新关注 > 信息聚合 > 「游八卦」极客女神开堂授课走红 教练我也要学技术!

「游八卦」极客女神开堂授课走红 教练我也要学技术!

"Gossip" geek goddess open lectures Technical coach and I also want to do!

2017-03-15 20:42:58来源: 任玩堂

极客女神开堂授课走红 教练我也要学技术!23岁的深圳女孩娜奥米·吴(音译Wu Naomi,本名为吴淖米)近日被外媒称为“最性感的黑客”,起因是吴淖米在网络上举办了一个名为“教你自己动手做”的栏目而成为了网络红人。按理来说,一般的手工栏目也不至于有这么大的影响力吧?看了这位极客女神的照片后,或许就知道真相了。吴淖米在这个栏目上,手把手的指导做3D打印机和详细演示自己如何创造高科技设备,通过各个平台传播之后,收获了大量的粉丝,也正因此引起了科技类外媒的注意。据了解,吴淖米开创这个栏目是希望激励年轻的女性进入技术领域,提升我国在科技创作领域上的地位。不管怎么样,自从知道了这位极客女神的存在后,我从未...

Geek goddess open lectures Technical coach and I also want to do! Shenzhen girl, 23, Naomi Wu (transliteration Wu Naomi, name is Wu 4 m) has been foreign media referred to as "the sexiest hackers", cause is 4 m Wu held a online program called "teach you diy" and become the Internet sensation. In theory, the general manual also not have so much influence? After a picture of the geek goddess, maybe can know the truth. Wu 4 meters in this column, step-by-step guide to do 3 d printers and demonstrates in detail how to create high-tech equipment, through the platform, harvest a lot of fans, hence technology are foreign media attention. Reported that wu 4 meters to start this section is to encourage young women into technology, enhance China's position in the field of science and technology creation. Anyway, since the know about the existence of the geek goddess, I never...