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盂兰盆节鬼门开 画江山上演人鬼情未了

Obon ghosts door open landscape painting staged ghost ghost Sina

2015-08-29 16:13:33来源: 新浪

盂兰盆节又称中元节、鬼节,民间自古就有“七月十五鬼门开”的说法,传说中元节这一天地府“放假”,鬼魂们全体出动,也就是俗话说的“鬼门关打开”。 在这个以祭鬼为主要活动节日里,让我们一起祭奠《画江山》里楚朝云与素娘的那一段人道海水深,不抵相思半的人鬼绝恋吧。 《画江山》官方网站 愿得一...

Bon basin section of, also known as the ghost festival, Halloween and civil society since ancient times "July 15 ghosts door open" argument, the legend of the hungry ghost festival the day hell "holiday", the ghosts of all deployed is saying "jaws open. In this ghost festival as the main festival, let us together to pay homage to the painting, Jiangshan, Zhaoyun Chu and the mother of the deep sea of humanity, Acacia does not arrive half ghost love. "Painting the country," the official website is willing to...