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咪咕熊猫IP携手IP MALL 启动“熊猫IP全球创作合伙人招募计划”

Start Migu panda IP in IP MALL "panda IP global creative partner recruitment plan"

2018-11-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

11月3日,2018IP开发者大会召开,咪咕文化科技有限公司(以下简称“咪咕”)在会上发布了“熊猫IP全球创作合伙人招募计划”,旨在通过招募熊猫IP合伙人,让更多的人参与到熊猫IP计划中来,打造互联网时代与众不同的超级熊猫IP,发现与众不同的“熊猫文化”。 熊猫启航计划新里程碑,助力熊猫文化升级 大会上,咪咕向全球精英发出邀约,只要对大熊猫IP动漫原创形象设计、衍生品开发和内容创作有兴趣,或是在大熊猫文创产业开发、商业渠道拓展上有心得,都可以成为熊猫IP合伙人,合伙人的设计作品,将以大电影、短视频、表情包、动画片、漫画等不同的形式呈现,并有机会进入成都大熊猫繁育研究基地。 此外...

On November 3, 2018 IP developers conference, mi goo culture technology co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "mi goo") at the meeting issued a "panda IP global partner recruitment plan", aimed at by recruiting panda IP partner, let more people involved in the panda IP plan, make distinctive super panda IP for the Internet age, found a distinctive culture of "panda". Panda sail plan new milestone, help the panda culture promotion conference, Migu send invitations to the global elite, as long as the giant panda IP original animation image design, derivatives are interested in the development and content creation, or in the giant panda, and industrial development, commercial channels to expand on the ideas, can be a panda IP partners, a partner of design work, package will be big short films, video, expression, animation, comic books, such as different form, and have the opportunity to enter the chengdu research base of giant panda breeding. In addition...