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EA announced the date of "Star Wars: 2 of the frontline of war"

2017-07-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

EA周一宣布旗下系列新作《星球大战:战争前线2》将于10月6日-9日开放免费公开测试,预购该游戏的玩家能够提前两日在10月4日参加到测试中。 届时将开放两种多人玩法模式,其中纳布星银河袭击战(Galactic Assault on Naboo)是一张能够提供40人对战的地图,玩家能够选择突击手(Assault)、重甲兵(Heavy)、士官(Officer)以及专家(Specialist)四种职业进行对战。 具体公测详情,EA将在八月份的科隆游戏展公布。 《星球大战:战争前线2》是2015年发售的游戏《星球大战:战争前线》的续作。在游戏中玩家将扮演一位帝国特种部队地狱小队的指挥官Ide...

EA announced on Monday that its new series "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" will open for free on October 6th -9, and the player who pre orders the game can participate in the test two days ahead of schedule in October 4th. It will open two multiplayer mode, in which the Milky Way Naboo raid (Galactic Assault on Naboo) is a can provide 40 multiplayer maps, game player can choose udarnik (Assault), heavy hoplite (Heavy), Sergeant (Officer) and experts (Specialist) against four kinds of occupation. Specific public test details, EA will be published in the Cologne game show in August. "Star Wars: War 2" is the 2015 release of the game "Star Wars: War front". In the game, the player will act as the commander of an imperial special force, the commander of the hell team, Ide...

标签: 星球大战