新关注 > 信息聚合 > 五年磨一剑!《龙之谷》动画诚意为玩家献礼


Five years of grinding sword! "Dragon Valley" animation sincerity for internationally tribute

2015-08-14 11:43:21来源: 天极网

视频链接: 2015年注定是《龙之谷》的狂欢年,5周年的纪念日活动多多让谷迷玩家high翻天。而除了各种各样的活动之外,《龙之谷》还集结了多方专业制作团队,为谷迷玩家奉上了《龙之谷》同名动画,带领玩家体验全新多彩新世界的魅力。这一跨领域的壮举不仅挑战了《龙之谷》制作团队的实力,也考验...

link: 2015 doomed "Dragon Valley" Carnival, the anniversary of the 5th anniversary of that valley fans internationally high earthshaking. And in addition to a variety of activities, the Dragon Valley has also gathered a multi professional production team, as a fan of the valley fans in the Dragon Valley, the same name of the animation, leading players to experience new and colorful new world charm. This cross field feat not only challenges the Dragon Valley production team strength, but also the test...

标签: 玩家 龙之谷