新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《战神》开发商采访:奎托斯将为儿子塑造新的希望


"Ares" developer interview: kratos will shape a new hope for him

2018-03-19 23:00:00来源: 游戏时光

受官方邀请,我们在3月8日前往香港参加了 PS4 独占作品《战神》的媒体试玩活动。在活动现场,游戏开发商圣莫妮卡工作室的高级社区运营 Aaron Kaufman 接受了媒体的采访,针对玩家关心的有关《战神》的游戏内容进行了解答。Aaron Kaufman《战神》剧情主线将和以往有很大不同熟悉《战神》系列的玩家都知道,以往的《战神》正统作品都是以“奎托斯的复仇”作为游戏的主线剧情。从奎托斯向阿瑞斯复仇成为战神、再到向奥林匹斯众神复仇,他的怒火就从未停歇过,直到最后他从奥林匹斯消失,生死不明。在即将推出的新《战神》中,驱动奎托斯踏上冒险的不再是无穷的怒火,而是一种略带伤感色彩的目的。正如我们此前从...

Official invitation, we in Hong Kong on March 8 attended the PS4 exclusive works "ares" media demo activity. At the event, the game developers to Santa monica studio, a senior community operating Aaron Kaufman accepted the media interview, to care about "the god of war" game content for the answer. Aaron Kaufman "ares" plot lines will have a very different past familiar "ares" series of players know, past "ares" classical works are "kratos revenge" as the main story of the game. From kratos to ares ares to avenge seeking revenge against the gods of Olympus, of his anger will never rest, until he finally disappeared from Olympus, life and death is unknown. In the upcoming new "ares", drive kratos set foot on the risk is no longer endless anger, but the purpose of a slightly sad color. As we previously from...