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点燃寒冬 《成吉思汗3》双11壕红包引疯抢

Triple catalytic light winter "Genghis Khan" double 11 Hao red lead berserk

2015-11-16 10:52:36来源: 电玩巴士

麒麟游戏旗下的经典PK网游《成吉思汗3》近日发出重大消息,恰逢新资料片“勇闯天关”的推出、新服上线以及双11促销活动的三重催化下,多个服务器出现爆满,服务器排队,副本排队时常出现。在这个寒冷冬日玩家热情不减,冲级刷装备的情绪高涨,更有玩家在双11期间大量囤积道具,引发了礼包疯抢。 《成...

kylin game of its classic PK online games "Genghis Khan" recently issued a major news, coincides with the new piece of information "rebel day" launched, the new service line and double 11 promotions, multiple server appears full, queue server, a copy of the queue often occur. In this cold winter internationally enthusiastic, leveling brush equipment in high spirits, more players in double 11 during hoarding props, causing the package berserk. Cheng...