新关注 > 信息聚合 > 君岛达己:任天堂正在构思下一代游戏机


Jun island of f: nintendo are thinking of a next-generation consoles

2017-12-28 19:20:38来源: 游戏时光

任天堂社长君岛达己在接受朝日新闻采访时称,任天堂已经开始构思下一款游戏机。这也符合一般规律,游戏主机厂商在推出本代主机后,往往就开始设计下一代产品了。同时,君岛社长表示来年会为 Joy-Con 的“HD 震动”和红外摄像头功能开发更多新玩法。时值年末商战,任天堂 Switch 可谓卖得顺风顺水,并于12月12日全球销量正式突破1000万台。在面对朝日新闻的采访时,君岛社长就这款主机的热销情况发表了看法:Switch 改变了传统家用机的概念,全新的游玩方式得到了玩家认同:作为一款既能在大电视上游玩,又能携带出去的主机,它吸引了部分手游玩家;再加之《赛尔达传说:荒野之息》和《色彩喷射团2》等等受众...

Nintendo President island of f in the asahi newspaper interview, nintendo has started to design the next game. It also conforms to the general rules, game console manufacturers after the launch of the generation of the host, often began to design the next generation of products. Island at the same time, the king President said to conference for Joy - Con "HD" vibration and infrared camera function to develop more new play. Comes at the end of the war, the nintendo Switch is sell very well, and in global sales formal breakthrough on December 12, 10 million. Island in an interview in the face of the asahi shimbun, king President conditions in a host of sell like hot cakes spoke: Switch to change the concept of traditional console, a new way to play the players agree that as a can not only play in big on TV, and can carry out the host, it attracted some hand play; Plus "the legend of zelda: the rate of the wild" and "color injection group 2", etc. The audience...

标签: 游戏 任天堂