6月5日消息,《口袋妖怪GO》于2016年7月7日正式在澳大利亚、新西兰等区域首发后,在全球刮起了一股《口袋妖怪GO》旋风。在此后的时间里,《口袋妖怪GO》迅速成为人们的关注点,而LBS+AR的游戏模式也正式被引入进来。不过,在这款游戏已经推出临近一年的时,《口袋妖怪GO》的热度早已不像之前那样火爆,用户也流失殆尽,接近90%的用户选择离开了这款游戏,但这并不妨碍这款游戏依旧存在吸金的能力。 据Think Gaming的数据显示,《口袋妖怪GO》在过去5个月的时间里ADU约为14.8万人,比最火爆的时候的160万人缩水了近90%以上。然而,即便用户流失如此严重,但并不妨碍这款游戏依旧具...
Message on June 5, the pokemon GO on July 7, 2016, officially started in areas such as Australia, New Zealand, in the world to blow a stream of the pokemon GO a whirlwind. In the following period, the pokemon GO quickly became the focus of people, and the LBS + AR game mode is formally introduced in. However, in the game already near one year, the heat of the journal of pokemon GO are not as popular as before, the user is running out, nearly 90% of users choose to leave the game, but this does not prevent the game still exist gold absorption ability. According to Think Gaming, according to data from the pokemon GO "in the past five months ADU is about 148000 people, more than one of the most popular time of more than 1.6 million people fell nearly 90%. However, even if the user loss so serious, but does not prevent the game still has the...