新关注 > 信息聚合 > 元祖洛克人系列6代游戏下月登陆iOS/Android


Tuples lok man series six generations on iOS/Android game next month

2016-12-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

卡普空近日宣布,其元祖洛克人系列包括六代游戏将在下月初登陆iOS和安卓两个移动平台。每款游戏单独售价为1.99美元,这也是官方洛克人游戏首次登陆移动平台。此前合集形式发售《洛克人遗产收藏版》已经登陆3DS/Xbox One/PS4和PC各个平台。 元祖洛克人系列手游并不是简单的移植,卡普空也针对新的移动平台进行了优化和重制,不过基本保留了元祖洛克人系列的元素。相信这对于核心平台游戏玩家也是不小的挑战,毕竟元祖洛克人系列的难度是不低的。

Karp empty recently announced that its tuples rock series including six generation game will early next month on iOS and android mobile platform. Each game alone costs $1.99, this is also the official lok man game on mobile platform for the first time. After collection form sale "lok man heritage collection" has landed in 3 ds/Xbox One/PS4 and PC platform. Tuples rock series mobile game and is not a simple transplantation, karp empty also for new mobile platform is optimized and remakes, but keep the meta progenitor rock series of basic elements. Believe that the core platform for game players is also a big challenge, after all tuples rock series of difficulty is not low.

标签: 游戏 iOS Android