新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《斩千军》今日14时开测美女画师操刀主题曲


"Cut" 14 open test today who penned the theme song artist beauty

2015-12-04 10:03:49来源: 天极网

首款战争直男新游《斩千军》今日14时开启不删档测试!官方也正式发布了《斩千军》同名主题曲。并由项目组公认的美女设计师小咖亲自献声演绎,同时与广大玩家相约在游戏中见面。 《斩千军》官网激活码领取: http://zqj.030303.com/applycode.html 《斩千军》...

First war straight travelogue "cut the total annihilation, today opened 14 does not delete files test! Official has officially released the" cut the total annihilation "theme song of the same name. Recognized by the project group and the beauty of small coffee designer personally meet with the majority of the vocals deduction, game player in the game. "Cut" for the website to receive the activation code: http://zqj.030303.com/applycode.html "cut the army"...