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4AM孤存绝地求生SLI一狙98K成名 枪准都是练出来的

4AM SLI a solitary existence survive the Jedi are quasi famous spy 98K gun out of practice

2018-03-07 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在乌克兰刚刚结束的绝地求生SLI全球联赛,提起发挥最亮眼的中国选手,相信大家一定会想起那个很少说话一直非常淡定的小男孩,孤存。一把98K一狙成名,1V3成功证明自己,吸引了全世界吃鸡玩家的关注。 相信国内玩家对孤存的名字一定不陌生,曾经代替周莉莉加入4AM战队,但由于当时周莉莉的名气太高,光环完全笼罩了孤存,让大家看不到他的成绩,虽然已经足够优秀的孤存但一直得不到肯定。终于在SLI赛事上,孤存的1V3三杀,多次登上击杀榜的成绩让孤存得到了无数赞赏声,甚至国外的玩家都向他竖起大拇指。 在此次SLI比赛中,采取的是中国战队一直不太熟悉的FPP模式,但即便如此,4AM战队在第二日正...

In the just concluded SLI world league tournament in Ukraine, the most brilliant Chinese player is mentioned. I believe you will think of the little boy who seldom speaks very quietly. A 98K spy 1V3 fame, success proves himself, attracted worldwide attention to eat chicken game player. I believe that the domestic game player to exist alone name must not strange, once instead of Zhou Lili joined the 4AM team, but then Zhou Lili's fame is too high, completely enveloped the aura of solitary existence, so that we can not see his achievements, although solitary existence has been good enough but has not certainly. Finally in the SLI race, solitary existence 1V3 triple, repeatedly boarded the kill list of achievements that solitary existence received numerous praise sound, even foreign game player to his thumbs. In this SLI competition, the Chinese war team is not familiar with the FPP model, but even so, the 4AM team in the second day is...