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卖弄上围超犯规 游戏嫩模直播上演Cos换装全程

Splurge on super foul play around young model live on Cos change

2016-04-27 11:50:17来源: 新浪

二次元的服装要在三次元还原,往往有很多“不科学”的地方,一些道具服真的不是那么容易被穿在身上的!台湾就有一位名叫小歪的游戏嫩模直播了自己换Cosplay道具服的过程,过程相当犯规! 她挑战的是游戏里性感的弓箭手,在视频里,小歪用保丽龙、铝箔纸等道具,改造各种服装,使其更还原游戏角色。...

Secondary yuan clothing should be in three dimensional reduction, often have a lot of "unscientific" place, some costumes really isn't so easy to wear in the body! Taiwan will have a game called little crooked live young model in its own Cosplay costume process, process is very foul! Her challenge is sexy archers in the game, in the video, small slanting use styrofoam, aluminum foil paper items, such as all kinds of clothing, to make it more reductive game characters. ...

标签: 游戏 直播