新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战场绞肉机 六龙争霸3D近战英雄破军解析

战场绞肉机 六龙争霸3D近战英雄破军解析

Battlefield meat grinder six dragons hegemony 3D melee hero breaking the military resolve

2015-11-26 10:35:30来源: 4399


Hot hand tour "six dragons hegemony 3D" at the Carnival Exhibition 12-15 November in the shine, the game is divided into four occupation: melee of broken arms, black dragon and remote nine luminaries, as well as partial auxiliary Tianhuang. Four of breaking the military occupation from the outset, caught my eyes, he is the game's melee physical attacks career, good strikes, and for ease of operation rather pick (lan) tick (duo) editor that always liked blood anti ... more