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"Big detective Picasso" set a box office record for the first week of game adaptation film in North America

2019-05-13 10:06:19来源: 游戏时光

《大侦探皮卡丘》已于上周在全球地区上映,Box Office Mojo 粗报电影首周票房约为5800万美元,略高于预期,虽不敌上映第三周的《复仇者联盟 终局之战》的6310万美元,但依旧打破了游戏改编电影的北美首周纪录。此前冠军一直是安吉丽娜·朱莉在2001年主演的《古墓丽影》,该片首周末票房为4770万美元。另据专资办数据,《大侦探皮卡丘》大陆地区首周票房为2.72亿元,超过上映第三周的《复仇者联盟 终局之战》的2.3亿元夺冠,不过大陆地区的游戏改编电影首周纪录依旧属于《魔兽》的10.28亿元。来源:新浪电影

The big detective Pikachu was released in the global area last week. Box office mojo's first week box office box office was about $58 million, slightly higher than expected. Although it was not equal to the $63.1 million of the final battle of Avengers released in the third week, it still broke the North American first week record of game adapted movies. The winner has been Angelina Jolie's 2001 movie Tomb Raider, which grossed $47.7 million over the first weekend. According to the data of the special fund office, the first week box office of big detective Pikachu in mainland China was 272 million yuan, more than 230 million yuan of the final battle of Avengers released in the third week. However, the first week record of game adaptation film in mainland China still belongs to 1.028 billion yuan of Warcraft. Source: Sina film

标签: 游戏 电影